Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Bad Larry

Tonight we made shakes for a snack as we're trying to get Miss Lovergirls ear to 'pop' from the flight home. She's been snacking on fruit snacks, drinking out of sippy cups, yawning, etc. Nothing has permanently relieved the pressure, so I figured a shake might do the trick. First up was making one for Buddy. Seeing he can't have dairy, it was an experiment to say the least. He liked it though so that was good.
Next up ~ Lovergirls. I scooped in some ice cream, she added 3 ice cubes and so then I added a tiny bit of milk. Last came the chocolate. We watched the blender mix, liquefy & stir. I poured it into a Dora paper cup, with a very thin straw and said "Check out that Bad Larry" to which Lovergirl replied "Mommy, what's a Bad Larry?" Um..... D is just laughing at me. "Well honey a Bad Larry is....it's sort of....well.....It's something A. Julia & Mommy say" So the poor kid's ear is still plugged and now she wants to know what a Bad Larry is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tee hee hee :) Funny stuff!!! Course we do have to give credit where credit is due... to Stevie C. :) Funny how that phrase has traveled around. My dad has actually nicknamed his larger tractor "Bad Larry" And we all know which one he's using, or bringing, or is broken and needs fixing :) ~ Julia