Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Inside Out!

Tuesday and Thursday mornings in our house are slightly chaotic ~ especially on the mornings that daddy has to work. Emma has school on those days so it is my responsibility to have everyone up, fed, dressed and out of the house by 8:30 am. No big deal right??? Except I don't wake my children in the morning. So sometimes I'm shoveling breakfast into Sam as we're trying to get out the door. This morning happened to be one of those mornings.
Emma woke up around 7 am. She ate some breakfast, brushed her teeth and I quickly helped her get dressed for her valentine party at school. I remembered there was a valentine dress in the hand-me-down box from my sister and I dug thru the box and found it. Emma was THRILLED. I then found her leggings and pulled those on her. Slip on some socks & her yellow crocs (the girl out grew everything in the past 2 weeks - pants, shoes, etc) and we're ready! I notice her leggings look a little 'odd' but not too bad....they're fine for preschool.
At 7:45 the boy FINALLY woke up. I quickly dress him and feed him and we are out the door by 8:30 ~ right on time! I keep noticing Emma's leggings and just can't figure out what the deal is. This afternoon after her nap I help her w/ them after a potty break...and then and only then do I realize I have put her leggings on her....Inside Out....
Now forgive me here ~ there are no tags on them and they were exceptionally clean on the side that showed...so it slipped right past me. The only seams that are visible are under her dress ~ and so they were not really visable. Poor kid....

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