Monday, July 9, 2007

We're home

We're home. What an eventful morning. Well night too. DH set the alarm clock...except he set the 2nd alarm and not the first so it went off at midnight. Then again at 12:0something. Finally he got the second alarm shut off, re-set the time for the first alarm, and then set. At 4:24 am the watersoftner buzzer was going off. GREAT. At 5 the alarm only clicked b/c we had messed with it so many times that it wasn't on a station. So yes, aside from the emotional aspect of today I'm WIPED!
We arrived at the hospital a few minutes early. Checked in, and made potty breaks. Well they didn't take us back until 8:15 or so (mind you we were there at 7:30!) b/c they had an emergency. Thankfully we were able to take buddy for a walk. We didn't get into the OR until 8:55 by the time we got him 'relaxed' with a cocktail. I got to walk him to the OR and administer the gas - which I thought was very good of them to let me do it. Kinda weird though. It was about 10 when we finally met w/ the dr - it took longer than expected, but it's done. He came out of anesthia VERY hard, crying, and such. He never liked to be woken up so I expected it. Plus he had missed his nap (!) so he was a very unhappy boy. So they gave him something to relax and he napped in my arms for about an hour....sweet sleep in mama's arms! That hasn't happened in a LONG time. From there we went back to the ASU, and when he woke up this time, he was ready to go. He wanted OUT OF THERE!
We got home around 12:40, and he ate 2 slices of toast, a graham cracker & 2 cups of milk (not to mention the 2-1/2 bottles of Apple Juice he had there!!!)
Now he's in bed and miss lovergirl is walking thru the door from mame's house...all for now!

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