Saturday, May 3, 2008

Wouldn't you know

Last night we attended the NEBC spring banquet. We brought miss Trible with us. I'm standing there with her in the sling and she's looking EVER so cute in her little pink flowered dress and white shirt. Then she decides to fill her diaper. UM great. Someone (HUBBY) forgot to put the wipes in the diaper bag after I asked him to. I can improvise though there are papertowels in the bathroom with warm water right?

Off to the ladies room we go as we realize that not only has Trible filled her diaper, but it went THRU her onesie, THRU her diaper cover, THRU her dress, AND also THRU the sling and onto my pants!

Problem one is no wipes

Problem two? No changing table in the ladies room!!!! So Praising Jesus in my heart that she's small, I lay down a burp cloth on the counter (!!!) and put her on it. She's not happy.

Problem three? It takes FOREVER for the water to get warm ~ so there she is in ALL her glory while I'm trying to MAKE a wipe for her.

After I get her changed, my hands washed, and the offending items back in my $100 diaper bag (which was given to me...believe me I would NOT spend $100 on a diaper bag!!) that I'm hoping we don't ruin, I slip a burp cloth into the sling and plop her back into it (no sense in ruining two outfits). I then realize I'm down not only down an outfit, but two burp cloths (one in the sling, one to lay on). Oh this should be fun!

We survived the rest of the evening just fine. But it was typical fashion for this little girl to do this when we go to a new place. *SIGH*

Everyone of course thought she was BEAUTIFUL (OF COURSE!!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heehee. My youngest had a dirty diaper in town today, and we had no wipes...nor diapers. *sigh*
Found you on The Mom Blogs today! Thoroughly enjoying reading! :)