Wednesday, April 4, 2007

How to explain to a 4 year old....

Today Sam had an appt with Dr Gass in Portland. We were on our way home on 295 and all of a sudden traffic is at a complete standstill. Thankfully I realized it BEFORE the exit and got off. There were TONS of cars that were being allowed on 295 ~ and then I realized it was a funeral procession. A soldier from Maine had died in Iraq and today was the service. So we detour thru Portland, a left, a right, turn around, another left, another right and we're on outer congres...and you guessed it - traffic at a standstill again...aahh yes the funeral procession again. I'm being a patient mama because seriously folks ~ whatever problem we're dealing with at the moment is MINOR compared to these people. I wanted to get OUT of the van and wave my finger and give people "the look" as they were getting ticked that traffic wasn't moving. Oh I'm sorry - their loved one DIED...and you getting to wherever is SO much more important. Anyway ~ we're listening to some music in the van and Emma asked "Mommy, you do know where the McDonald's is right???" Um yes...we're on our way. We move 2 feet..."are you sure" So I start to explain why there is so much traffic, and we're not really getting anywhere. How do you explain to a 4 year old who doesn't understand the concept of death anyway, that someone who gave his life for our country died. I did the best I could...she tried to understand. She knew someone very important (cause I think every soldier is very important) has died and there are a lot of sad people and we can wait for our McDonalds so they can all be together. She then wants to know what they're doing in the field....
:( She just doesn't understand it ~ and really how can I expect her to....

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